Monday, May 2, 2011

What's the deal with Osama binLaden's death???

Ding, dong the witch is dead!! But wait, isn’t the timing just a little too convenient? And he was buried immediately at sea? Really? I guess that means we’ll have to believe what the Government tells us, and you know that they never lie!!! Psshht!
To me this is just another move in a mighty “chess” game that we will never understand, because we just don’t have all the information. You can take to the bank that we are told ONLY what they want to tell us! Yeah, yeah, there she goes again with “they.” I know!

I for one will never believe that a country as powerful as the US didn’t have an inkling that 9/11 was coming. “They” knew and allowed it to happen! Now in “their” defense, I’m sure that the “they” didn’t envision the enormity of the devastation. “They” needed a plausible reason to go to war, and voila’, 9/11. My guess would be that Mr. binLaden has been sitting pretty somewhere, courtesy of our Government. Because I also don’t believe for one minute that our Government hasn’t been able to find him in all this time. Hogwash!

Since I haven’t seen the body, I’m not even inclined to believe he is dead now (and he was buried at sea, how convenient)…or perhaps he’s been dead for quite some time, but they saved this revelation for the right moment. Could be that our current administration thought they needed a boost in their ratings, or a concrete reason to pull out of Afghanistan. Maybe the reason is more complicated. Either way, I’m not buying!

And lastly, just because he is dead doesn’t mean al-Qaida is no longer a threat. (Rhyme completely unintentional) And to all the Christian’s condemning the Muslim faith and celebrating his death…ahem, if I remember correctly, you’re supposed to love thy enemy…whatever happened to turning the other cheek??? Are you really any better???

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