Wednesday, September 16, 2009

What's the deal with drugs???

Let me preface this by saying that personally, I have NEVER "done" drugs, I haven't even smoked a joint, nor do I care to! I think people who give in to peer pressure like that and end up getting addicted are WEAK! I despise weakness!

Having said that, I think that we should do what Holland does...legalize and tax the stuff. Put warning labels on the packaging, like with cigarettes. It would help fill our depleted coffers and eliminate at least some of the crime associated with drug running. Let our prisons be filled with "real" criminals and let the druggies be someone else's problem. In my opinion, drug addiction is not a criminal problem...just like any other addiction. Why does it matter whether you're addicted to smoking, alcohol, drugs or sex...the root of the problem is the addiction, not the substance. Prisons should not be forced rehab centers. Besides, it is my understanding that you can get pretty much anything in prison anyway...

I know this idea needs some more thought. Details need to be worked out and I'm sure scufflaws would try to continue to smuggle stuff in order to avoid paying the tax (gotta keep up those profit margins)...probably drugs would be more expensive?! Or maybe not, perhaps the already high (no pun intended) cost is associated with the illicit and seedy way the drugs are obtained. Hey, it may even stop at least a few young people from ever trying it, since I believe the same rule applies as with's only interesting because it's forbidden!!!

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