Wednesday, March 2, 2011

What's the deal with Charlie Sheen???

I wrote the below post BEFORE more disturbing clips of Charlie Sheen surfaced. While I still think most of what I wrote holds true, I am now completely convinced that he is in desperate need of an intervention! Sadly, he is surrounded by "Yes!" people instead of someone with his best interest at heart! How very sad not to be loved enough by another!

Ok, I admit…I like the guy! Do I think what he’s doing is in his best interest? No! Would I want his lifestyle? No! (Well, maybe the money part) But you can say about the man what you want…he is, or at least tries to be, honest. Well, as he sees it anyway. He does have issues...that much is obvious, but even so, he doesn’t pretend to be a humanitarian or meek. His TV show is largely based on playing himself, so why is it OK to get paid for being a loose lush on TV, but not in the real world???

Any woman who has gotten involved with him should have know from the start what she’s gotten herself into! Instead, everyone of them must have thought that she’s the one to change him. Reality check!!! Change only comes when the person wants it …his bad boy thing has worked for him thus far, so why bother??? It’s sad that the children get dragged into this. While he might not be the best role model, he is their father and I’m sure he loves them. Shoulda thought about this before you decided to procreate with a reprobate, girls! : )

As for the men who publically speak out against him…if you’re honest with yourself guys, you ARE a teensy bit jealous! I mean really! What heterosexual male hasn’t fantasized about having two pretty girls faun all over them??? Now let’s not kid ourselves, those ladies (using this term loosely) are in it for the notoriety and the money…I refuse to believe otherwise…so what! They’re with him, aren’t they?

CBS got exactly what they paid (and got paid) for!!! Two and a Half Men is hilarious and the cast (not just Sheen) is perfect! On a side note, my favorite is actually a toss between Alan and Bertha. Replacing Charlie is not an option and cancelling the show is a lot like cutting your nose off to spite your face…plain dumb.

People who manage to entertain others tend to believe they are more grandiose than a mere citizen. This is due to the fact that us mere citizens tend pay homage to these individuals and put them on pedestals. They get paid obscene amounts of money and just lose touch with reality after a while. Not all their fault really. It takes a bit of an egomaniac to even want to be in this fickle business. So there is Charlie…the highest paid TV actor ever…adored by millions for his antiques, and equally despised for them by others. Just leave the man alone! Let him sort out his mess with some dignity! And, oh yes, why don’t you worry about your own lifestyle and choices…chances are you could use some improvements yourself!!!

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