Tuesday, March 1, 2011

What's the deal with our justice system?

Where to begin? I ranted once before over all the frivolous lawsuits that are admitted into our legal system…laid the blame with the judge and jury of the McDonald’s coffee lady who started the trend and the fact that everyone seems to be out to make a quick buck. Not so fast!!!

After reading that some attorneys charge as much as $1,000 per hour for their services, I felt physically ill. So that’s why!!! It really doesn’t matter what’s just, as long as you can afford to buy the best lawyer. The best lawyer, who will work tirelessly to twist the law into whatever mold the current case may call for. He who perverts justice the most wins the case and the financial reward! Either by charging exorbitant rates to their clients, or “massaging” the jury. So called expert witnesses are nothing but paid henchmen, who will deliver whatever expert opinion is called for in order to sway the jury (who is duly impressed by the witness’ credentials) to their way of thinking. And bingo…we get the desired verdict.
Have you ever noticed how sometimes the same crime gets vastly different verdicts in different courts? Well now you know why! Just remember the OJ Simpson case…the man got away with murder…because he could afford a top defense team. The average Joe? Not so lucky!

Innocent until proven guilty? Maybe if the case isn’t tried in the court of sensationalism! Fair trial? Only if you think it’s fair to get the desired outcome at all cost! I lost faith in our justice system a long time ago!

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