Friday, September 18, 2009

What's the deal with frivolous lawsuits???

Since touching upon the subject in my previous post, I've been giving it a lot of thought. When did it become OK to pursue money this way??? If memory serves, it all started with the McDonald coffee lady who placed a hot cup of coffee between her legs while driving and subsequently burned herself. Well, duh! And what about the judge and jury who agreed that it was the restaurant's fault??? Newton said "for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction" what did she think would happen??? And whatever happened to taking responsibility for your own actions?? We've become a society of blamers!!!

And worse, this particular ruling has opened a flood gate for these type of lawsuits that are now bogging down our legal system. Guess who is paying for all this?? We are squandering our tax dollars, people!! And who is making money (besides the person who wins the award)? The lawyers of these individuals!! They're raking it in hand over fist...advertising their "services" in elaborate (and expensive) TV and printed commercials. It is mind boggling that our Government permits this...or is it, considering that most of our elected officials are also attorneys. Hmmmm...

And who are the real losers in this (other than the poor uninsured smuck that accidentally rear-ended someone)...the insurance industry, since they're the ones paying for most of the settlements. Or is it us? Are we the ones loosing the no longer taking responsibility for our actions, by seeking the easy way out, the quick buck...are we loosing our integrity by making a mockery of our legal system and our society...are we loosing ourselves?

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