Saturday, September 19, 2009

What's the deal with the insurance industry???

Well, I may have spoken too soon, when I declared the insurance industry the losers yesterday. Upon closer examination, maybe it really is us "The People" who loose! Since the insurers are in business to make money, they recover their loses by charging us higher premiums and cutting their services.

Let's say you got into a car accident and you get sued. The insurance company will try to find a loop hole in your contract or your behavior (lets say you had a cocktail) to get out of paying; or they will pay and drop you like a hot potato. That can happen whether you were to blame for the accident or not. Good luck finding new coverage (which, oh by the way, you're required to have by law) without paying through the nose!

And what about health insurance? They can actually deny you coverage if you have what they deem a (costly) preexisting condition. They also have the right to tell your doctor what course of treatment he/she is able to prescribe...forget what you may actually need!!! Unbelievable!!!

Same goes for life insurers...if you have any kind of condition that might contribute to your early demise...fugget about it! No insurance for you!!! But hey, if they think that you may be around until the ripe old age of 80-something, they'll gladly take your premium and cut the payout each year!!! What a crock!!!

And you better don't own a home!!! Premiums are sky high! (especially here in the sunshine state) They do include "Acts of God" in their coverage, but apparently a flood in conjunction with a hurricane is not considered one. who is responsible for the flood??? I want to talk to him/her! WTF...who makes these rules???? And why do we just sit here and take it???

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