Tuesday, September 22, 2009

What's the deal with sugar???

Not sure if everyone has heard, but in a misguided effort to help curb the obesity epidemic, our Government has decided it would be a good idea to assess a tax on drink items containing sugar. (We're talking sugary soft drinks, teas, certain juice products...you name it!) Do you really think paying 3 cents more for a can of coke will stop a junk food junkie??? Puhlease! In my opinion they're sugar coating (pardon the pun) a new tax by having us believe that it is in the best interest of public health! Sorry, I'm not buying it!

Supposedly, this extra money will go toward health care. According to several reports I've read, sugary soft drinks are the root of the obesity evil. And I say again, other than making us mad, will a few extra cents really stop us from indulging in our soda obsession??? NOT!

Now mind you, I do agree with the general assessment that soda is bad for our bodies. I rarely drink any, and I seldom allow my kids to. My CHOICE!!! But do we really need to be told what to do and be punished (in the form of a new tax) for not listening? Educate folks, give them options, but for God's sake allow us the freedom to destroy our health if we want to!!

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